Gerardo Giuratrabocchetti took over his family’s estate from his grandfather in 1998. He left his university professorship and along with his wife, Marcella, turned a new life corner. The name Cantine del Notaio comes from his zio (uncle) who is a long time prominent notary and community leader in the area. Together with enologist Luigi Moio, who was a Professor of Enology at the University of Naples, they started a valuable collaboration and took on the Aglianico del Vulture challenge.
Luigi is the author and co-author of about 200 scientific publications in chemistry and food science sectors and since 1991 he’s carried out research on food aroma, wine smelling elements, and wine technologies to preserve and amplify grape variety aroma. Without a doubt, he is an expert in his field and is recognized as such. He brings a scientific curiosity to Cantina del Notaio’s production and is integral to its success.
Gerardo Giuratrabocchetti © Cantine del Notaio
The winery’s focus is on the native red varietal, Aglianico, but also grows other grapes: Moscato Bianco di Basilicata, Malvasia Bianca di Basilicata as well as some experimental international varieties. Generally, the volcanic soil from the extinct vulture volcano is rich in mineral elements; The tufo rock layers act as a water reservoir which is crucial during the drier periods of the year. The soil is deep, allowing the roots to create complex systems and access different nutrients.
Their special attention to the choice of vineyards is fueled by their extensive research on the Vulture zone. The 40 hectares are distributed amongst the most characteristic and renowned hillsides in the Mount Vulture area (the villages of Rionero, Barile, Ripacandida, Maschito and Ginestra), and possess vines more than a hundred years old. These areas have different soils, (sand, volcanic residue, medium consistency or clay) but the same layer of volcanic tufo in common, and an exposition which allows for a perfect, late ripening of the grapes (mid-October to mid-November). Their passion, research, and dedication extends beyond their own wine production. They spearhead campaigns to communicate the area’s rich cultural history and unique winemaking terrior as well as conduct extensive research on the Aglianico grape. Cantina del Notaio is committed to uplifting the Vulture area as a whole.